You can email us at Five Hills Farm for more information before buying.
Below is a list of Available hatching eggs/poultry.
A quick note to buyers *******
Due to the high volume of requests sent this spring (2014), I want to apologize to all. The winter temps caused a huge delay in hatching this year, a 3 month delay. I hope everyone who has emailed me understands. It was out of my control and I am still hatching for my flock replacements and for show birds at this time. It may seem stingy, but to continue to produce and improve my lines, it's a necessary thing so that I can improve my flock with each season and have the best to have to sell.
Young Araucanas will be held until they are old enough and mature enough to safely ship. I will post available Araucana's as started chicks, young stock or adults as they become available. Weather can control a lot of things so I cannot guarantee I will have anything year round.
I will not ship birds or hatching eggs if the weather is too hot or cold on either end of the trip. Shipping is not included in the price for birds or hatching eggs. Depending on how many eggs are bought, the cost may vary a little but in general it's been "around" $18 for a dozen + the cost of the hatching eggs and I don't charge for materials I use to pack them. The cost may be a little over or a little less than $18 depending on how many eggs are packed and I generally send extra's. I've found that setting a flat rate, I often came out paying out of pocket so I can no longer charge a flat rate. Payment is still due before shipping but I will pack them up and send the total in time to have them shipped the next morning.
Shipping live birds: Extra charges apply for a new a shipping box with soft bedding/apple quarters and pellets plus the actual cost for me to ship them to you so that will vary by weight and your location, always Express Mail. I will weigh the chicken in the box that has the bedding and food and send you the weight with the cost to ship them to be added to the cost of the bird(s). The boxes will safely hold up to 10 pounds so in some cases, only one individual will be shipped per box. I will need your address to get the actual cost from my post office.
I may occasionally list a bird or hatching eggs here but please contact me to be certain of availability. Egg availability is based on the hens whims so I try to keep them all happy as can be but sometimes, the weather, broodiness, moulting and other things cause a shutdown in production. This is beyond my control but it generally picks up so please bear with me.
Before you intend to buy any of the birds or hatching eggs listed here, please Email me to confirm availability and send your zipcode so I can let you know what it will cost to ship. I can weigh them so it will be accurate. I take Paypal only and I am verified. Feel free to offer trades, it never hurts to ask.
Our location is Buffalo, Mo. 65622
You are also welcome to call 417-253-2206, call after 6 pm and I should be home. Thanks! Cathy
SOLD Available as of April 4th. Will ship mid April on a Monday or Tuesday as long as the temps are above 40 at night:

Two to four (your choice how many) started Araucana chicks, just $15 each and they will be sold with 6 hatching eggs ($20 for the eggs) packed in. The chicks are all black, clean faced and rumpless and one has a single tuft, sold as straight run. Shipping box is $10 and shipping will be calculated based on total weight and location shipped to. No guarantees on the hatching eggs as usual with shipped eggs. I take PayPal only and they are shipped Express. They must be paid for to hold them till shipped. SOLD
Note ***
The cost to ship live birds has increased in 2014. The post office no longer allows doing the shipping labels at home (click and ship) online so we are required to physically bring them to the post office to weigh and label them. I saved buyers almost a third on shipping costs before this new rule so I will try to offer younger birds to help keep costs down this year. I think I'll still be able to calculate shipping online and be accurate and if it costs more than calculated online, I will eat the cost. If less than I calculated, I'll refund the amount over actual cost.
***No changes should be noted for shipped eggs. I can still weigh and do click and ship for those and there is no set price to ship eggs because I often include extra's and the weight varies on each shipment. Let me know if you do not want extra's included to reduce shipping cost.